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Welcome to EC Competition

Evolutionary Computation Competition (EC-Comp) is an optimization competition held by Special Interest Group of Real-world Benchmark Problems, Japan Society for Evolutionary Computation (JPNSEC SIG-RBP). Since 2017, the competition is held between September and November every year. During the competition period, participants are given a set of optimization problems and compete to find the best solution to each of the problems. The winners are announced and awarded in Evolutionary Computation Symposium held in mid December.

Optimization problems asked in this competition are adopted from real-world industry or sciense. Through the competition, we expect researchers and practitioners exchange their insights, promoting academic research and industrial applications of evolutionary computation.

How to play a competition

Anyone can play a competition. Try a 30-minute tutorial to learn how to play.

How to organize a competition

Anyone can organize their own competition. Let's sign in and create a new competition.